• Determine if you value the possibilities that Dance as a philosophy offers. (Hint. Refer to the "Why" page)

  • Start small. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

  • Be steady. Take 1 minute each day to notice the rhythm and feeling of normal activities. (Brushing teeth, walking, climbing stairs, the dance you do when you have to pee really badly)

  • Observe. Try to be cognizant of the subtle body language of others. Observe the variation in simple things like step size, sway, bounce, and shoulder/neck/spinal  posture of others. Observe how the variations impact your interpretation of the character qualities of others (looks lazy, menacing, confident, suspicious, etc). Observe how most people are unconscious of this dimension (including you!).

  • Listen. Pay deeper attention to the sounds that surround you. Find the rhythm in a train on its tracks, the chorus of cars whizzing by on a busy avenue, the cyclical sounds of waves on a beach, insects at sunset, the song of birds, or the rhythm of a dog barking.

  • Take lessons to equip yourself with movement language and to have a dedicated time and space to refine your personal movement library and literacy.
